Ratib Haddad

Al-Fatihah untuk ruh penyusun ratib ini, sayyidina wa habiibina Wali Tertinggi yang memimpin Dakwah, Wali tertinggi yang bisa menjadi wasilah pertolongan, al Habib Abdullah bin Alwy al Haddad, nenek moyangnya serta keturunan mereka, dan orang-orang yang memiliki hak terhadap mereka. Jun 11, 2016 The Ratib al-Haddad is recited by hundreds of millions across the Muslim world but the Cape Malays of South Africa have an extraordinary history with it. The Ratib came to this part of the world with the Muslim scholar, Shaykh Yusuf Makassar, exiled by the Dutch colonisers of 17th century Indonesia. Page 1 of 7 Haddad Rathib www.MuslimPath.com the way to the right path (١) ا. Page 2 of 7 Haddad Rathib www.MuslimPath.com the way to the right path. Page 3 of 7 Haddad Rathib www.MuslimPath.com the way to the right path ˘ˇ ˆ ˙ ˛˝ ˚ˇ ˇ. Sejarah Ratib al-Hadad Ratib al Haddad diambil dari nama penyusunnya, yakni al Habib Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad al Haddad (1055-1132 H.). Dari beberapa doa-doa dan dzikir-dzikir yang beliau susun, Ratib al Haddad inilah yang paling terkenal dan masyhur. Ratib al Haddad disusun berdasarkan inspirasi, pada malam lailatul Qodar 27 Ramadan 1071 H.


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Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu(1044-1132 H)

Translation and Transliteration

“The Opening”Al-Fātiha

In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
All praise be to Allāh, Lord of the worlds.
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Owner of the Day of Judgment.
You only do we worship,
and You only do we beg for help.
Guide us on the straight path.
The path of those whom You have favoured;
not (the path) of those who earn Your anger
nor of those who go astray. (1:1-7)

Bismillāh i’r Rahmān i’r Rahīm
Alhamdu Lillāhi Rabb i’l-‘ālamīn
Ar-Rahmān i’r Rahīm
Māliki Yawm i’d Dīn
Iyyāka na‘budu
wa Iyyāka nasta‘īn
Ihdina’s Sirāt al-mustaqīm
Sirāt al-ladhīna an‘amta ‘alayhim
ghayri’l maghdūbi ‘alayhim
wa la’d-dāllīn

(Recite once)

Allāh! None is worthy of worship but He,
The Ever-Living,
The Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist;
Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep;
to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is in the earth;
who is he that can intercede with Him
except by His permission?
He knows what is before them
and what is behind them,
and they encompass nothing
of His knowledge, except what He wills;
His Seat extends over the heavens and the earth,
and He is never weary of preserving them both;
and He is the Most High, the Supreme. (2:255)

Allāhu lā ilāha illā Huwa’l
lā ta’khudhuhu sinatun wa lā nawm
Lahū mā fi’s-samāwāti
wa mā fi’l ard
man dhalladhī yashfa‘u ‘indahu
illā bi-Idhnih
Ya‘lamu mā bayna aydīhim
wa mā khalfahum
wa lā yuhītūna bi-shay’in
min ‘ilmihi illā bimā shā’
wasi‘a Kursiyyuhu’s samāwāti wa’l ard
wa lā Yaūduhu hifzuhumā
wa Huwa’l ‘Aliyyu’l Azīm

(Recite once)

The (Prophetic) Messenger believed
in what was revealed to him from his Lord,
and (so did) the believers;
they all believed in Allāh
and His Angels and His Books
and His (Prophetic) Messengers;
(they said) we make no distinction
between any of His (Prophetic) Messengers;
and they said: we hear and we obey,
(Grant us) Your forgiveness Our Lord,
and to You is the eventual return.

Āmana’r Rasūlu
bimā unzila ilayhi min Rabbihi
wa’l mu’minūn
kullun āmana Billāhi
wa Malāikatihi wa Kutubihi
wa Rusulih
lā nufarriqu
bayna ahadin min Rusulih
wa qālū sami‘nā wa ata‘nā
Ghufrānaka Rabbanā
wa Ilayka’l masīr

Allāh does not place on any soul a burden
but to the extent of its capacity;
for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned,
and against it (the evil of) what it has wrought:
Our Lord! Do not punish us
if we forget or make a mistake,
Our Lord! Do not lay on us such a burden
as You did lay
on those before us;
Our Lord! Do not impose upon us
that which we do not have the strength to bear;
and pardon us and grant us forgiveness
and have mercy on us,
You are our Protector,
so help us against the unbelieving people.
(2: 285-286)

Lā Yukallifullāhu nafsan
illā wus‘ahā
lahā mā kasabat
wa ‘alayhā maktasabat
Rabbanā lā tuākhidhnā
in-nasīnā aw akhta’nā
Rabbanā wa lā tahmil ‘alaynā isran
kamā hamaltahu
‘alal-ladhīna min qablinā
Rabbanā wa lā tuhammilnā
mā lā tāqata lanā bih
wa‘fu ‘annā wa’ghfir lanā
Anta Mawlānā
fa’nsurnā ‘ala’l qawmi’l kāfirīn

(Recite once)

None is worthy of worship except Allāh,
He is One, He has no partner,
His is the Kingdom and His is the praise,
He gives life and He causes death
and He is Powerful over all things.

Lā ilāha Illallāhu
Wahdahū lā sharīka lahu
Lahu’l Mulku wa Lahu’l Hamdu
Yuhyī wa Yumītu
wa Huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in Qadīr

(3 times)

Glory be to Allāh
and all praise is for Allāh
and none is worthy of worship except Allāh
and Allāh is Most Great.

wa’l Hamdu Lillāh
wa lā ilāha Illallāhu
Wallāhu Akbar

(3 times)

Glory be to Allāh with His (Own) Praise;
Glory be to Allāh, the Exalted.

SubhānAllāhi wa bi-Hamdihi
SubhānAllāhi’l ‘Azīm

(3 times)

Our Lord, forgive us and relent towards us;
truly, You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.

Rabbana’ghfir lanā wa tub ‘alaynā
Innaka Anta’t Tawwāb u’r Rahīm

(3 times)

O Allāh! Bestow blessings on Sayyidinā Muhammad,
O Allāh! Bestow blessings on him and peace.

Allāhumma Salli ‘alā Muhammad
Allāhumma Salli ‘alayhi wa Sallim

(3 times)

I take refuge in the complete words of Allāh
from the evil in what He has created.

A‘ūdhu bi-Kalimātillāhi’t tāmmāti
min sharri mā khalaq

(3 times)

In the Name of Allāh Who causes
no harm to come together with His Name
from anything whatsoever in earth or in heaven,
for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

lā yadurru ma‘a Ismihi
shay’un fi’l ardi wa lā fi’s-samā’
wa Huwa’s Samī‘ u’l ‘Alīm

(3 times)

We are content with Allāh as Lord,
and with Islām as religion,
and with Sayyidinā Muhammad as Prophet.

Radīnā Billāhi Rabban
wa bi’l Islāmi dīnan
wa bi Muhammad-in Nabiyyā

(3 times)

In the Name of Allāh, and all praise is for Allāh,
and the good and the evil are by the Will of Allāh.

Bismillāhi wa’l Hamdu Lillāhi
wa’l khayru wa’sh sharru bi-Mashīatillāh

(3 times)

We believe in Allāh and the Last Day (of Judgment),
we repent to Allāh secretly and openly.

Āmannā Billāhi wa’l Yawmi’l Ākhir
tubnā Ilallāhi bātinan wa zāhirā

(3 times)

O Our Lord! Pardon us,
and wipe out whatever (sins) we may have committed.

Yā Rabbanā wa‘fu ‘annā
wa’mhulladhī kāna minnā

(3 times)

O The Possessor of Majesty and Honour,
cause us to die in the religion of Islām.

Yā Dha’l Jalāli wa’l Ikrām
amitnā ‘alā dīni’l Islām

(7 times)

O the Most Mighty, O the Authoritative One,
protect us from the evil of the unjust.

Yā Qawiyyu Yā Matīn
ikfi sharraz-zālimīn

(3 times)

May Allāh improve the affairs of the Muslims,
may Allāh turn away the evil of the harmful.

Aslahallāhu umūra’l Muslimīn
Sarafallāhu sharra’l mu’dhīn

(3 times)

O the Most High, O the Most Great,
O the All-Knowing, O the Powerful One,
O the All-Hearing, O the All-Seeing,
O the Gentle, O the All-Aware.

Yā ‘Aliyyu Yā Kabīr
Yā ‘Alīmu Yā Qadīr
Yā Samī‘u Yā Basīr
Yā Latīf Yā Khabīr

(3 times)

O the Dispeller of anxiety,
O the Remover of grief,
O the One Who to His servant
is Forgiving and Merciful.

Yā Fārij al-hamm
Yā Kāshif al-ghamm
Yā man li-‘abdihi
Yaghfiru wa Yarham

(3 times)

I seek forgiveness of Allāh, the Lord of all creation.
I seek forgiveness of Allāh for all mistakes.

Astaghfirullāha Rabb al-barāyā
Astaghfirullāha min al-khatāyā

(4 times)
None is worthy of worship except Allāh.Lā ilāha Illallāh
(50 or 100 times, or up to 1000 times)
Muhammad is the (Prophetic) Messenger of Allāh. Muhammad u’r Rasūlullāh

May Allāh’s blessings and peace be upon him
and his descendants;
and may He honour, ennoble, glorify and exalt him,
and may He be pleased with his purified Household,
and with his rightly guided Companions,
and with those who followed them with excellence
till the Day of Judgment.

Sallallāhu alayhi
wa ālihi wa sallam
wa sharrafa wa karram wa majjada wa ‘azzam
wa Radiya ‘an Ahli Baytihi’l Mutahharīn
wa Ashābihi’l Muhtadīn
wa’t Tābi‘īna lahum bi-ihsānin
ilā Yawm i’d-Dīn


In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Say: He, Allāh, is One.
Allah, the Eternally Besought.
He begets not, nor is He begotten,
and there is none like Him. (112:1-4) <


Bismillāh i’r Rahmān i’r Rahīm
Qul Huwallāhu Ahad
Allāh u’s-Samad
lam yalid wa lam yūlad
wa lam yakun Lahū kufuwan ahad

(3 times)

In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Say: I take refuge with the Lord of the daybreak,
from the evil of what He has created,
and from the evil of the darkness when it gathers,
and from the evil of those
who blow on knots (practicing witchcraft),
and from the evil of the envious when he envies.

Bismillāh i’r Rahmān i’r Rahīm
Qul a‘udhu bi-Rabbi’l falaq
min sharri mā khalaq
wa min sharri ghāsiqin idhā waqab
wa min sharri’n
naffāthāti fi’l ‘uqad
wa min sharri hāsidin idhā hasad


In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Say: I take refuge in the Lord of mankind,
the King of mankind,
the God of mankind;
from the evil of the (devilish) whisperings
of one who slinks away;
who whispers into the breasts of mankind,
from among the jinn and mankind. (114:1-6)

Bismillāh i’r Rahmān i’r Rahīm
Qul a‘ūdhu bi-Rabb-i’n-nās
min sharri’l waswāsi’l
alladhī yuwaswisu fī sudūr-i’n-nās
min al-jinnati wa’n-nās

Al-Fātiha Al-Fātiha

To the soul of our master, the foremost Muslim Jurist
Muhammad ibn ‘Alī Bā ‘Alawī
and his genealogical roots (ancestors)
and their branches (descendants),
and all our noble masters
among the descendants of the Bā ‘Alawī;
that may Allāh raise their ranks
and make us benefit from them
and from their spiritual mysteries and their lights,
in this world and in the Hereafter.

Ilā rūhi Sayyidinā al-Faqīh al-Muqaddam
Muhammad ibn ‘Alī Bā ‘Alawī
wa usūlihī
wa furū‘ihim
wa kāffati sādātinā
āli Abī ‘Alawī
Annallāha yu‘lī darajātihim
wa yanfa‘unā bihim
wa bi-asrārihim wa anwārihim
fi’d dunyā wa’l Ākhira

(Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha) (Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha)
Al-Fātiha Al-Fātiha

To the souls of our noble Sūfī masters
wherever they may be and wherever their souls may be,
that may Allāh raise their ranks
and make us benefit from them
and from their knowledge
and their spiritual mysteries;
and join us with them with goodness and well-being.

Ilā arwāhi sādātina’s Sūfiyya
aynamā kānū wa hallat arwāhuhum
Annallāha yu‘lī darajātihim
wa yanfa‘unā bihim
wa bi-‘ulūmihim
wa asrārihim
Wa yulhiqunā bihim fī khayrin wa ‘āfiya

(Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha) (Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha)
Al-Fātiha Al-Fātiha

To the soul of the compiler of the Rātib,
the Axis of Guidance
and the spiritual succour for peoples and nations,
the beloved ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Alawī al-Haddād
and his genealogical roots (ancestors)
and their branches (descendants),
that may Allāh raise their ranks
and make us benefit from them
and from their spiritual mysteries
and their lights and their blessings,
in this world and in the Hereafter.

Ilā rūhi Sāhib i’r Rātib
Qutb i’l Irshād
wa ghawth i’l ‘ibād wa’l bilād
al-Habīb ‘Abdillāh ibni ‘Alawī al-Haddād
wa usūlihī
wa furū‘ihim
Annallāha yu‘lī darajātihim
wa yanfa‘unā bihim
wa bi-asrārihim
wa anwārihim wa barakātihim
fi’d dunyā wa’l Ākhira

(Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha)(Recie Sūrah al-Fātiha)
Al-Fātiha Al-Fātiha

To the souls of all the pious servants of Allāh
and both the parents,
and all the believing men and believing women
and the Muslim men and Muslim women;
that may Allāh forgive them
and have mercy on them
and make us benefit from their spiritual mysteries
and their blessings;
and (finally Fātiha) to
the Holy Presence of Prophet Muhammad,
may Allāh’s blessings and peace
be upon him and his descendants.

Ilā arwāhi kāffati ‘Ibādillāhi’s sālihīn
wa’l wālidayni
wa jamī‘il mu’minīna wa’l mu’mināt
wa’l muslimīna wa’l muslimāt
Annallāha Yaghfiru lahum
wa Yarhamuhum
wa yanfa‘unā bi-asrārihim
wa barakātihim
wa ilā
Hadrati’n Nabiyyi Muhammad-in
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Ālihi wa sallam

(Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha) (Recite Sūrah al-Fātiha)

* O The First without a beginning,
and O The Everlasting in all eternity,
and O The Possessor of Power and Firm Authority,
and O The One Who is Merciful to the poor,
and O The Most Merciful of those who show mercy,
and O Peace, bestow peace on us and all Muslims,
for the sake of the dignified status
of the master of all the (Prophetic) Messengers,
and bestow blessings and peace
on Sayyidinā Muhammad
and on his Family and Companions
and all Praise is for Allāh, Lord of the worlds.

* Yā Awwal al-awwalīn
wa Yā Ākhir al-ākhirīn
wa Yā Dha’l Quwwati’l Matīn
wa Yā Rāhim al-masākīn
wa Yā Arham ar-rāhimīn
wa Yā Salāmu Sallimnā wa’l Muslimīn
bi jāhi
Sayyidi’l Mursalīn
wa Sallallāhu
‘alā Sayyidinā Muhammad-in
wa ‘alā Ālihī wa Sahbihī wa Sallim
wa’l Hamdu Lillāhi Rabb i’l ‘ālamīn

O Allāh, we ask of You
for Your Good Pleasure and Paradise,
and we seek Your Protection
from Your displeasure and from hell-fire.

Allāhumma innā nas’aluka
Ridāka wa’l jannah
wa na‘ūdhu bika
min sakhatika wa’n nār

(3 times)
(End of Rātib)(End of Rātib)

Translated by: Siddīq Osmān Noormuhammad
Rajab 1421/October 2000
Transliteration updated using The Key To The Arabic Transliteration
Muharram 1425/March 2004
Toronto, Canada.

Source: This Rātib is contained in the kitāb (book) titled Wasīlat u’l ‘Ibād ilā Zādi’l Ma‘ād: Majmū‘ Awrād wa Da‘awāt wa Salawāt li’l Imām Shaykh u’l Islām ‘Abdallāh bin ‘Alawī al-Haddād (A Means For People To Provide For the Hereafter: A Compendium of Recommended Regular Invocations and Supplications of the Imām Shaykh u’l Islām ‘Abdallāh bin ‘Alawī al-Haddād), Maktaba al-Ishā‘ah al-Islām, Delhi, n.d.

Note: * The du‘ā (supplication to Allāh) with the star sign * has been added. At this juncture, we are allowed to add any du‘ā we desire, following the conditions and proprieties of du‘ā. This du‘ā has been adopted from Rātib al-

Ratib Haddad Dan Artinya

Haddād that is contained in the kitāb titled Adhkār wa’l Awrād (Regular Voluntary Invocations) compiled by Shaykh Muhyiddīn bin ‘Abdi’r Rahmān bin Muhammad of Zanzibār, under the guidance of Shaykh ‘Umar bin ‘Abdullāh bin ash-Shaykh Ahmad āl ash-Shaykh Abī Bakr bin Sālim.

Ratib Haddad Mp3

Other Translations of the Rātib

Ratib Haddad Mp3

(This translation has benefited from cross-referencing the following existing translations).

  1. “Al-Rātib al-Shahīr” (“The Famous Rātib”), in The Prophetic Invocations Compiled by Imām ‘Abdallāh ibn ‘Alawī al-Haddād, translated by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi, with a Foreword by Shaykh Hamza Yūsuf, The Starlatch Press, Burr Ridge, USA, 2000.
  2. (The Starlatch Press, PMB 126, 80 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60521, USA).
    (Note: Dr. Mostafa Badawi’s translation was obtained after this translation had been completed).

  3. “Rātib al-Haddād”, in The Gifts of Mawlānā al-Haddād, translated by as-Sayyid Abdul Kader bin ‘Alī bin ‘Issa Al-Haddād, Singapore, 1418/1998.
  4. (ismail@pacific.net.sg)
  5. “Rātib al-Haddād”, Tasowuf Research Institute, Cape Town, South Africa, n.d.
  6. (Tasowuf Research Institute, P.O. Box 101, Salt River 7925, Cape Town, South Africa).

    Internet References

    1. Rātib al-Haddād (in Arabic with Malaysian translation)
    2. Al-Hāwīhttp://www.alhawi.net/ratib-al-haddad
    3. An Appreciation of the Rātib in English
    4. Iqra’ Islamic Publicationswww.iqra.net/articles/dhikr/ratib.php